On May 1st 2021 the streets of Berlin-Neukölln sent a clear message: in spite of diverse backgrounds and orientations, we can successfully connect our struggles against all authority and oppression.
We have gained energy, learned from each other and strengthened our hopes for future struggles. The nervous reaction of the state and the attacks of the cops on the demo have shown that this hope is not unjustified.
This year we want to build on that energy and call for a diverse, expressive and rebellious Anarchist Block as part of the Revolutionary 1st May Demonstration.
There have been many discussions in past years (and decades) about the ritualization of May 1st. We agree that this specific day is not better or worse than any other to fight for a world without authority, but we also think that the day connects us with a long history of rebellious struggle that we should not give up too easily.
May 1st does not belong to anyone except the people who take their fight to the street on that day to fight for solidarity and self-determination and against all forms of dominance and oppression. It is on us to fill that day with content and initiative and to make sure that we will all leave the demonstration with a collective smile under our masks.
Be prepared! Join the Anarchist Block!
Revolutionary 1st May Demonstration in Berlin
start: 18:00, Herztbergplatz Anarchist Block
more infos coming soon