#R1MB Anarchist Block: Last info

Dear comrades,

Sunday is May Day again. A day with a fixed place in the collective memory of the oppressed. A recurring moment of insurrection against the rulers.
We therefore call for an anarchist block on the annual #R1MB (call: https://a1mb.noblogs.org ).

Here is some last info on that:

About The Demo

This years demo starts at Hertzbergpaltz in Neukölln (Sonnenallee/Treptowerstr.) and goes via Sonnenallee, Weichselstraße ,Weserstraße, Reuterstraße, Pflügerstraße, Kottbusser Damm, Kottbusser Straße, Kottbusser Tor, Adalbertstraße, Oranienstraße to Oranienplatz. The best way to get to the starting point is by S-Bahn or U-Bahn via the Sonnenallee S-Bahn station or the Karl-Marx-Platz U-Bahn station but depending on your time of arrival there might already be cops.
From 16:30 clock there is a prelude rally. The demonstration will start at 18:00! On the demo there are three blocks, the Internationalist, the Anarchist and the Class War Block.

Our Block

We will be the second block.
You will find us behind the Internationalist Block and in front of the Class War Block. If you have problems finding us, look for the red VW bus and this high transpi: “wir können uns nur selbst befreien”

Be Prepared

Among other things, the attack by the cops on the last year demo or the badly done MyFest-Revival on the Sonnenallee shows, what is obvious anyways, the state tries by all means to prevent an antagonistic presence on the streets. The berlin cops have developed for this purpose in recent years a sophisticated tactic of counterinsurgency. From civil cops in the demo over Spalier on the sides up to attacks on us, the cops use any means to make us small!
Let’s be prepared for it!

Whos streets? Our streets! Let’s not let the cops dictate anything to us!
Let’s kick them out of our block when they try to walk with us in civil clothes; let’s show that they can’t determine where we walk; let’s take the whole street and walk around the Spalier ; let’s form chains; let’s stay together; let’s defend ourselves against their attacks: No matter where! No matter when!

So one thing is clear: every intervention by the cops will be answered!


If possible, do not come alone to the demonstration. Together we are safer and can take better care of each other. Do not only keep an eye on people you know, but also on the people around you!
Watch out the Berlin cops film a lot. The filming likes to target details such as shoes or other features of clothing (trademarks, colorful stitching, patches, etc). The goal of the cops is to identify alleged perpetrators later. Civil cops also like to follow people they accuse of committing “crimes”. Therefore, arrests often take place towards the end or even hours later in the neighbourhood. Therefore, be alert as long as possible!

What should you leave at home: private cell phone, narcotics, objects on the body that could be interpreted as a weapon (nail scissors, etc.), dogs, bicycles, small children.
What to bring: nose and mouth protection, gloves, ID, necessary medicines, tissues, hygiene products.
What else is practical: printed demo route, your own banners, umbrella, raincoat or a second set of clothing, sunglasses.

No one is alone! Solidarity with all prisoners!

Also this year the Berlin EA (Investigation Committee) will be there. You can call them if you notice any arrests. The number is 030 692 2222. It is best to call the EA with the first and last name and the date of birth of the person. If you observe an arrest, ask the arrested person about it.

If you are arrested, the cops will most likely take you to the GESA (prisoner collection center) to take your personal data, take photos and write the complaint. When you come out of GESA, there are people to greet you. Sometimes the cops will let you out at a back exit so people don’t see you, so feel free to look around the corner if you don’t want to be alone or need help.
We call on everyone to come to GESA after the demo and greet the prisoners together. Together we are strong! The cops will probably take people to the GESA at Tempelhofer Damm (Tempelhofer Damm 12, 12101 Berlin) and to Friesenwache (Columbiadamm/ Glossenerstr.), like last year.
Greetings of solidarity go out to the person registering the demonstration that is now getting attacked by the cops via the populist press.

Tomorrow (Sat. 30.04.): Take Back The Night – united in our pain, united in our anger – for the smashing of the patriarchy! | FLINTA*-only | 20:00 | Mauerpark (entrance Bernauer Str.) | (more info: https://takebackthenightberlin.noblogs.org )
Sunday (01.05): Anarchist Block – Putting Property in Danger! | 18:00 | Hertzbergplatz |

For a collective sabotage!